Sample group for Makerspaces
This is a sample group to show Makerspaces the posibilities of organizing their community on... View more

BauTopia second edition
This second edition of BAU TOPIA is jointly organised by the European Creative Hubs Network and Creative FLIP Project, co-promoted by the Municipalities of Porto…

Bautopia: Makersxchange conference
European Creative Hubs Network & MakersExchange project partners are thrilled to announce and invite you to “BauTopia”, a special side-event of the New European Bauhaus…

Makerscope: the importance of makerspaces
Part of the Maker’s trail [EN] Makerscope is a talk which highlights the importance of makerspaces in our society. The speaker looks in this talk…

Workshop houtbuigen
Info:Deze workshop richt zich tot makers, fablab personeel, meubelmakers, schrijnwerkers, restaurateurs, stoffeerders, prototypers, doe-het-zelvers en iedereen die interesse heeft in het buigen van hout.De workshop…

Lichtmakers kijken omhoog!
Part of the Maker’s trail [EN] We all know by now that blue light stimulates your physical activity and keeps you awake. In daylight, the…

Workshop: Afval wordt opval!
Part of the Maker’s trail [EN] What do bicycle tires, bicycle wheels, video cassettes, PET bottles, bottle caps and clothes hangers have in common? You…

Maker’s trail – explore the road to create
Part of the Maker’s trail [EN] Join the Maker’s trail during the Design Fest Gent and visit the creative world of various Makerspaces in Ghent…

Maker’s trail evening event
Part of the Maker’s trail [EN] Join us for the Maker’s trail evening event. A network event inaugurating the Maker’s trail. A few speakers will…

Maker Faire Gent
Part of the Maker’s trail [EN] A race with washing machines, the launch of a jet engine,… Feel free to describe a Maker Faire as…

The App is out!
You can now follow Makerspace Zone through our app! Download it now for Android at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=makerspaces.lizzydesign.com Apple at: https://testflight.apple.com/join/dlxCMblc It makes it easy to stay…

Welcome to
The Makerspace Zone is a platform for makers, makerspaces and the movements that want to create a better future and environment through innovation, sustainability, design,…